The Teutoburg Forest

Highlights and camper pitches

The Teutoburg Forest - Highlights

Here, on the banks of the Weser, three Roman legions under Publius Quinctilius Varus were attacked and destroyed by Germanic tribes led by Arminius in 9 AD.

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:

Schwedenschanze (Kaiser Friedrich Memorial Hut)

The Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtnishütte is a refuge in the Teutoburg Forest (on the Bußberg at an altitude of 306.3 m), which is often called Schwedenschanze in the vernacular. On the Schwedenschanze you can enjoy a wonderful view ...


The Bodega Beach Bar is the perfect place for you and your friends. It's Caribbean feeling on the Weser beach. You can enjoy an ice cold beer, delicious food and live music all day long! Plus, it's open every day, weather permitting!

Nonnenstein and Bismarck Tower

The Teutoburg Forest is a forest of about 8,000 km² in northwestern Germany. It stretches from the Weser River near Minden and Detmold to the Rhine River near Cologne. The name derives from its original inhabitants, the Germanic tribe of the Cherusci, who were called "Teutons" by the Romans.

Eggeturm/Prussian Velmerstot

Eggeturm is one of the most famous sights in the Teutoburg Forest, not only because it was built on an old castle ruin, but also because it offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding area. It is worth taking a break to enjoy this beautiful sight!

Hermann Monument

The Hermann Monument is the landmark of the entire Hermannshöhe and the Teutoburg Forest. It commemorates Hermann, who was a Roman general in Germania Superior. He led three legions across the Rhine into what is now Germany against an alliance of Germanic tribes united under Arminius. This event marked one of the most crushing defeats ever suffered by Rome on foreign soil and has been called "the battle that changed history."

Along the Weser

Along the Weser - Sights in the Teutoburg Forest is a travel guide that presents sights along the Weser River. The book includes information on how to get there, what to see and do when you arrive, and where to stay nearby. There are also maps of each region with all the sights clearly marked.

The Teutoburg Forest - Camper pitches near

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