The Lüneburg Heath

Highlights and camper pitches

The Lüneburg Heath - Highlights

The heath is a unique landscape with its own charm and character. It is an area of natural beauty that has been shaped by human activity for centuries. In this region you will find wide open spaces, rolling hills and picturesque villages where sheep graze on the heather-covered land.

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:


Brunsberg is the perfect place for those who want to get away from it all. It is a great place for people who like to hike, bike or just enjoy the view of this beautiful region. The parking lot also makes it easy to come with friends and family!


Pietzmoor is a beautiful place for hiking and exploring nature. You can walk on a 5km long circular path made of boardwalks through the high moor. There are many different things to see throughout the year, such as wildflowers in spring or fall colors in autumn.

In the bottom of the dead: Lüneburg Heath

Im Totengrund is the perfect place to visit if you want to see the Lüneburg Heath in all its glory. The landscape here has its unique charm in every season, and many visitors especially like to come in August, when a purple sea of blossoms covers the entire landscape. In Totengrund there are many opportunities for outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking or horseback riding through this beautiful region.

On boardwalks through the high moor

On boardwalks through the high heath you will go on a sightseeing tour through the Lüneburg Heath. You'll be able to see the sights without getting your feet wet. Perfect for those who want to explore this beautiful region but don't feel like soaking their shoes in mud or rainwater.


The Hasselbrack is a place of discovery. It is the highest natural elevation in Hamburg and offers a breathtaking view over the Lüneburg Heath. From its summit you can see for miles, on clear days even as far as Denmark!

The Seeve

It is an idyllic place for nature lovers and hikers alike. The Elbe flows into the Seeve, which then flows into the North Sea. This area was once home to many farms and villages, which have since been abandoned or destroyed by wars. Now it is a beautiful natural landscape with many hiking trails and picturesque views of both rivers that meet at this point on their journey to the sea.

The Lüneburg Heath - Camper pitches near

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