Lower Rhine

Highlights and camper pitches

Lower Rhine - Highlights

If you're looking for an area with rich culture, natural beauty and delicious food, the Lower Rhine is perfect for you!

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:


The Rhine is one of the most popular destinations in Germany. But have you ever been to the Lower Rhine? If not, it's time you did! We offer sightseeing tours and excursions that are perfect for any traveler who wants to explore this beautiful part of the country.

Across the Rhine / Josef Cardinal Frings Bridge

It was completed in 1951, making it one of the oldest bridges in Germany. It is 780 meters long and 30 meters wide.


The Rheinaue is the perfect place to explore. It is a beautiful landscape shaped by centuries of human activity and natural forces. You can enjoy the view from the top of the dike or hike through one of our many forests, fields, meadows and wetlands. There are many ways to experience nature up close - whether on foot or by bike.

Rhine Cycle Route

The Rhine Cycle Route is an easy and scenic route that follows the course of the Lower Rhine. It's perfect for biking, walking or jogging. You'll see castles, vineyards, historic towns and much more!

Krickenbeck Lakes

There is an information center that shows the history of these lakes, and peat extraction is not done by gravel dredging.

Xanten North Sea

The Xanten North Sea is the largest lake in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is also one of the most beautiful lakes in Germany and Europe. You can swim, fish, sail or just relax by the water. There are many different accommodation options for your stay - from camping sites to luxury hotels with wellness areas.

Lower Rhine - Camper pitches near

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