The Odenwald

Highlights and camper pitches

The Odenwald - Highlights

It was the site of an ancient Germanic cult and has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. Today it hosts some of the most beautiful hiking trails and outdoor experiences in Europe.

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:

Margaret Gorge Trail

The Margarethen Gorge Trail is the perfect destination for anyone who wants to get away from it all. It's an easy and short hike that will take you through one of the most beautiful sights in Germany. You'll see some incredible waterfalls, enjoy a picnic, and even get to go swimming if you want!

Fall brook waterfall

Fallbach is one of the many waterfalls in Germany. It's small and easy to find, but it's a great way to cool off on hot summer days. You can hike up or down from Rodenstein Castle or Freiheit, depending on which direction you want to go. And if you need a little more adventure, there are plenty of rocks nearby that people love to climb over while they wait for the waterfall!

Rock sea

The Felsenmeer is an area of natural beauty perfect for hiking, biking and picnicking. It is also home to one of Germany's most famous legends about two giants who lived on opposite sides of the mountain range. One was named Hohnstein and the other Felsberg. These two giants threw stones at each other every day as they yelled and bickered at each other from their respective mountainsides. Eventually, this constant throwing wore down both mountains until there was nothing left but a flat plateau between them - known today as the Felsenmeer!

The King's Chair

The Königstuhl is the highest point in the Odenwald and offers a breathtaking view of Heidelberg, the Rhine plain and even as far as the Palatinate Mountains. It's a rewarding climb, after which you can enjoy an ice cream or coffee in one of the many restaurants.


Riverbank Promenade is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. It is a great place for an evening stroll, bike ride, or jog. There are also many restaurants and stores along the way, making it easy to stop and grab a bite to eat or a drink while enjoying the scenery.

Main cycle path near Klingenberg

The Main bike path between Klingenberg and Miltenberg is perfect. It's flat, well-maintained and scenic with benches along the way so you can stop and enjoy the view. You won't find a better cycling experience in this area!

The Odenwald - Camper pitches near

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