The Fläming

Highlights and camper pitches

The Fläming - Highlights

The Fläming is an ice-age formed mountain range and at the same time a historically grown landscape. It stretches from the Schorfheide in Brandenburg, through Saxony-Anhalt, to Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt. This region has been shaped by man for centuries and offers a wealth of natural beauty as well as cultural heritage.

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:

Berlin Wall Trail

The trail begins at Checkpoint Charlie, where American and Soviet tanks faced off in 1961. It then winds through former East German territory, including the infamous Bornholmer Bridge checkpoint, which was one of the first places where people could walk from East to West without being shot on sight. Along this section you will also find many memorials and monuments commemorating those who died trying to escape behind the so-called "Iron Curtain"

Berlin Wall Trail Marienfelde

We've been working hard to make this trail as good as possible for cyclists, but we need your help! If you see any roots interrupting the trail, please let us know so we can fix them. You can also report trail issues through our app or website. Thank you for helping us keep this wonderful place beautiful!

Along BER Airport

The airport runway starts just south of here, so it's an ideal place to watch planes take off or land. There are also many other activities in the area, such as fishing and hiking trails, which make for great day trips.

At the Teltow Canal/Machnower Lake

The canal is a popular destination for hikers and cyclists. It is also used by boaters, anglers and fishermen. It is also an important link between Berlin's waterways and those of the surrounding area.

Bridge to Werder Island

Werder Island is the perfect place for cyclists to explore. It is an island with cobblestone streets, old buildings and beautiful views of the Elbe River. There are many bike paths that will take you on a scenic tour of the city or countryside.

Schoenefeld - Along the taxiway

Schönefeld - Along the Runway - Sightseeing in Fläming is an exciting new tour that takes you on a journey through the Brandenburg region. You'll see landmarks like BER Airport, which has been under construction since 2006 and was originally scheduled to open in 2011. The tour also includes stops at local landmarks like Potsdamer Platz, where you can take photos with iconic buildings and monuments like the TV Tower or enjoy a delicious ice cream from one of the many vendors nearby.

The Fläming - Camper pitches near

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