The island of Sylt

Highlights and camper pitches

The island of Sylt - Highlights

The island of Sylt is the perfect place to relax and unwind. It is the largest North Sea island in Germany, with miles of beautiful beaches, stunning nature reserves, and plenty of activities to keep you busy throughout the day. You can even explore our history by visiting one of our many museums or taking a tour of some of the island's most picturesque villages!

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:

Observation tower

The lookout tower is a great resting place with a view over the whole lake. It is located in the middle of nature and offers you peace and relaxation. You will be able to enjoy your vacation without worries, because there is a lot going on around you.

Between Peickwitz and Großkoschen at the Senftenberg Lake

Lake Senftenberg is located in the Di, which is an area of natural beauty. This picturesque trail will take you through forests and meadows, past lakes and ponds. Along the way you will see many different animals, including deer, foxes, wild boars and even wolves!

Senftenberg lake observation tower

The Senftenberg Lake observation tower is the perfect destination. There are 176 steps up, but every step is worth it. You get a wonderful view of the surroundings, especially the lake and the island below you. From below you can see everything on the island - so be sure to take your camera!

Lake Senftenberg

Lake Senftenberg is the largest lake in Schleswig-Holstein. It has an area of about 3 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 4 meters. The bike path around the lake is well developed, but every now and then it is interrupted by tree roots that have pushed through against the asphalt. 😏

Best developed bike path

The island of Sylt is perfect for cycling. It is not too far from the mainland and offers some of the best bike paths in Germany. You can explore the island by bike, ride around on one of our many tours or just make yourself comfortable with a nice cup of coffee in one of our cafes.

Senftenberg lake observation tower

The observation tower Senftenberger See is the perfect place to escape from everyday life. You'll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the surrounding area, including the lake and the island. It's 176 steps to the top, but you won't regret it!

The island of Sylt - Camper pitches near

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