Weissach im Tal organic orchard #3

AlpacaCamper, we look forward to hosting you at our organic orchards! With us you can spend the night in a quiet center of nature. You'll sleep under the stars and wake up with pleasure as if it were your first day ever at the campsite. Our facilities include beautiful bedding made of organic cotton and wool, some of which is hand-knitted by local artisans (these beauties take about six months to make). You can also choose from a variety of accommodations, such as open campsites with plenty of space for RVs on undeveloped land - perfect for those who want their privacy but still want access to showers, etc.¹

Weissach im Tal organic orchard #3Weissach im Tal

Hello AlpacaCamper,
with us you can spend the night in the middle of nature on our organic orchards!

We are looking forward to you!

Please park directly at the tree row.
If the surface is wet, four...

Read more on AlpacaCamping


Suitable for Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.
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