Village idyll

We live in a small village 15 km south of Freiburg. We that are Susan and Michael, children Maya & Moritz as well as the tenant Felix with his cat Amy - with us it goes rural! There is a lot of nature and tranquility around our house: the perfect environment for the quiet Sunday sapftern or home after meters of time along the sea is walked (or even in winter genomm), you may find some good grain-¹

Village idyllEhrenkirchen

We live in a small village 15 km south of Freiburg.we that are .... Susan & Michael our two children Maya & Moritz our tenant Felix & our cat Amy.With us it goes rural.There is a lot of nature and tra...

Read more on MyCabin

MyCabin, from 14,30 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on MyCabin applies.

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