Idyllic place on the edge of the forest with a view of Horben

Are you looking for a breathtaking camping experience? Then the private campsite "Idyllic site on the edge of the forest with a view of Horben" is the right place for you! This campsite is located in Horben im Breisgau and offers a magnificent view of the Gauchach Gorge and the city of Freiburg im Breisgau. Several hiking trails, including the Sankt Wilhelmer Hütte and the Auf dem Feldberg route, are easily accessible from here. Whether you want to relax in nature or explore the region, this campsite is the perfect base camp for your next adventure!¹

Idyllic place on the edge of the forest with a view of HorbenHorben

A quiet, beautiful place on the edge of the forest adjacent to the horse and cow pasture. Near the prominent place with the Steckenbühlkreutz. The fantastic view of the unspoilt, green landscape and t...

Read more on MyCabin

MyCabin, from 26 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on MyCabin applies.

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