Forest bathing in the Bad Krozingen healing forest

We created a bathing path, together with the local forester and nature lovers. There are five information panels that explain how to live in woods, flotilla navigation, beekeeping history of bees near by as well as modern day beekeeping (carpentry). Directly at this spot there is also several wellness BENCHES set up so people can take advantage while enjoying their surroundings! This place rents out space for grilling¹

Forest bathing in the Bad Krozingen healing forestBad Krozingen

2 years ago we established a forest bathing trail, together with the local forester and other nature lovers. Five information boards provide information about life in the forest, rafting, zeidlerei, h...

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MyCabin, from 39 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on MyCabin applies.

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