At the winery #1

The winery is a family-run business that offers delicious, award-winning wines and exciting specialties. The site has electricity, fresh water and restrooms for guests to use while enjoying the beautifully landscaped grounds of this historic property! There are over thirty varieties of wine available, including sparkling wines. For those who want something different, there is also our own distillery with seasonal hours, but in high season it is open daily from 11 am! Stiftung Weingut Schloss Burgschänke prides itself on being an authentic German experience where visitors can discover centuries-old traditions and contemporary innovations. Here, you'll find elegant, modern bathrooms at the entrance before exploring the acres of vineyards that are surrounded by¹

At the winery #1Obersulm

The pitch is located in the immediate vicinity of the winery. We offer electricity at the site, fresh water and toilets are available in the courtyard. We are a typical family winery with a range of ...

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Suitable for Motorhomes

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.
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