The Upper Palatinate Forest

Highlights and camper pitches

The Upper Palatinate Forest - Highlights

It is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes and natural wonders in Germany. You can hike through forests, climb mountains or explore castles on your next vacation.

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:

The Höllbach

The Höllbach is located in the Upper Palatinate Forest and offers a very beautiful hike with great views. It is perfect for families with children as it is not too difficult and there are many great places to stop and enjoy the view.

Butter churn

The forest is home to many different types of animals, plants and trees. It is also home to amazing geology that you can explore with your family!

Log cabin in the Waldnaab valley

The log cabin is one of the most popular destinations in the Waldnaab Valley. It is located right next to a beautiful waterfall and offers a breathtaking view of the Upper Palatinate Forest. You can enjoy delicious food, drink beer or coffee while sitting on our terrace or at our picnic tables. We offer accommodation with breakfast and dinner as well as day trips from Munich.

Weissenstein Ruin

Weissenstein Castle is the perfect destination for anyone who wants to explore medieval history and architecture. The ruins of this once mighty fortress are located in the Upper Palatinate Forest, about 30 kilometers from Regensburg.


Valhalla is a monument honoring great Germans from all walks of life. It was built in 1842 at the behest of King Ludwig I and has been open to visitors since 1843. Today it houses busts and sculptures depicting 1,111 notable Germans, as well as an exhibition on German history.

Stone city

Stone City is one of the most impressive rock formations in the Upper Palatinate Forest. The place invites visitors to explore and enjoy its natural beauty. It is a great place to spend time with friends or family, take photos, go hiking or just relax and unwind.

The Upper Palatinate Forest - Camper pitches near

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