The Steigerwald

Highlights and camper pitches

The Steigerwald - Highlights

It is home to over 2,000 plant species and more than 200 animal species.

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:


The Aurachtal is one of the most beautiful and unspoiled landscapes in Bavaria. It is also home to some of the last remaining Heck cattle in Germany, an ancient breed that dates back centuries. You can now go on a tour with our experienced guides and experience this unique landscape up close!

Ford through the Aurach

Ford through the Aurach - view in the Steigerwald is an exciting and challenging passage. The route is not only about getting to the other side, but also about enjoying the nature along the way. You'll be walking on trails, some of which are overgrown with grasses and plants, some of which you may have never seen before. There will be obstacles such as fallen trees or streams that you will have to cross, so make sure you wear appropriate footwear!

Eberhard Trail

The Eberhard Trail in the Steigerwald offers a variety of different landscapes and features to explore. On your way up, you can see waterfalls, forests, meadows and much more. Along the way, there are also plenty of opportunities to spot wildlife! This is an excellent choice if you're looking for a bit more of a challenge than most hikes have to offer.

Castle in Lisberg

The castle in Lisberg is the perfect place to explore. It is one of the oldest preserved castles in Germany and the only undestroyed castle in the Steigerwald. Hans Fischer, who has been maintaining the castle with passion and care since 1968, will guide you through this amazing facility. You can also enjoy a nice meal or a drink in our restaurant "Zum Schwanen", which offers regional cuisine as well as international dishes.

Nikolai Bridge

The bridge was built between 1781 and 1783 by Johann Georg Fischer von Erlach and has been a listed building since 1980. It spans the Rauhe Ebrach and the Sauerwiesgraben near Grasmannsdorf, Markt Burgebrach. On the northwestern side of the bridge there are statues of saints, on the northeastern side there is a statue of St. Nicholas with two children kneeling in front of him.

Water buffalo Feigendorf

The Aurachtal is a beautiful place, and this tour will take you through some of its most beautiful corners. You'll see water buffalo grazing in the Steigerwald, as well as other wildlife like deer and wild boar. And if that's not enough for you, there are plenty of opportunities for hiking or biking along the way.

The Steigerwald - Camper pitches near

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