Winery Gorges-Müller

Are you looking for a unique camping experience? Then the Gorges-Müller Estate in Burgen, Germany, is the place for you. This private campground is located in the picturesque Hunsrück Mountains and offers a magnificent view of Lake Bostal and the Baybach Valley. Conveniently located just 27 km from the city of Trier, Weingut Gorges-Müller is the perfect base for exploring everything the region has to offer, from hiking and biking trails to Roman ruins. So what are you waiting for? Experience the beauty of nature at Weingut Gorges-Müller!¹

Winery Gorges-MüllerBurgen

Visit us on the cozy pitch at the winery, overlooking the vineyards and stream. Due to the location in the side valley spared from the hustle and bustle and the tranqu...

Read more on roadsurfer spots

roadsurfer spots, from 12 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on roadsurfer spots applies.

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