Quiet nights in the garden of friends with a view of the Harz Mountains

Are you looking for a time out in the great outdoors without having to drive far? Then the private campsite "Quiet overnight stays in the garden of friends with a view of the Harz Mountains" is the right place for you! Nestled between rustling trees and rolling hills, this quiet spot offers everything you need for a relaxing vacation. Soak up the sun and fresh air while enjoying the majestic view of the Harz Mountains. When night falls, you can retire to your tent or caravan and listen to the symphony of nature. With its central location just 11 km from Göttingen, this campsite is ideal for those who want to enjoy both city and country life. Hülfensberg and Scharfenstein¹

Quiet nights in the garden of friends with a view of the Harz Mountains54000m2 11 Stellplätze Apfel

"You don't have to go far to be far away".

For us, the most important thing is a good time together.

We, Cornelius and Lukas open our park to friends and families who love to be in nature. When we ...

Read more on Campspace

Campspace, from 27 €

Suitable for Tents and Motorhomes

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Campspace applies.

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