Spend the night at the Poitou donkey pasture in the forest

We run an elaborate conservation breeding of the endangered Baudet du Poitou donkey (heaviest donkey in the world) on a stallion pasture. Overnight camping is available for you, with access via a gravel road and camping toilets on site! The area offers ample opportunities to observe animals, birdsong or even loud animal calls.¹

Spend the night at the Poitou donkey pasture in the forestRehburg Loccum

We run an elaborate conservation breeding of the endangered Baudet du Poitou donkeys (heaviest donkeys in the world) in Rehburg. You will spend the night directly in the forest at the stallion pasture...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 20 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

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