Time out Lindigshof

Auszeit Lindigshof - We would like to share this beautiful spot with you and offer you our fruit meadow for your personal time out. From our meadow the view is completely free, because it leads over fields into the nearby forest; a small idyllic place in the Thuringian Wartburgkreis. Our property is located directly on one of Germany's most popular cycle paths, the Werra-Suhltal cycle path, which connects us directly to France via the better known Werratal cycle path. In front of the Auszeit Lindigshof are trees that border an old millstone from 1610, where, according to legend, witches met and danced¹

Time out LindigshofGerstungen OT Lindigshof

Time out Lindigshof - We would like to share this beautiful spot with you and offer you our fruit meadow for your personal time out. From our meadow you have a completely unobstructed view over fields...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 25 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.
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