Pitch chicken view #3

The animals on this farm are all available for adoption and you can meet them at our shelter. You'll get an up-close look at what it's like to be next to the chickens, in their home with your own free-range chicken running around right there while you talk about life! Or if dogs are more your thing, we have plenty too. There's Lotte, who always waits patiently at the gate when she knows someone might be coming out soon, but her favorite spot is where she hangs upside down on the side of an old chair and stares longingly into space.... Pitch in a beautiful location right next to our free-range chickens with people stopping by just so they can pet a few puppies or¹

Pitch chicken view #3Elze

Pitch in a beautiful location right next to our free-range chickens with a view of the Marienburg. We are a small family farm with just under 6000 mobile coop chickens. On our farm live some cats, our...

Read more on AlpacaCamping


Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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