Stay overnight in the Oberallgäu

Stay overnight in the beautiful Oberallgäu With us you will find a camping site or tent site. It is located outside the village of Reicholzried, on flat land, without toilet and shower, but with plenty to drink if you need it! it is only 3 km from the A7, through which you can go both north towards Autocton valley road (a must) and south towards Lake Constance... or maybe just an escape route before you go back home?¹

Stay overnight in the Oberallgäui

Stay overnight in the Oberallgäu

We offer a pitch or tent site for one to two nights.

The site is located outside the village Reicholzried PLZ 87463 on a meadow has no toilet and shower.

Drinking w...

Read more on ZeltzuHause

ZeltzuHause, from 10 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on ZeltzuHause applies.

Or discover these great pitches nearby:

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