Apple orchard with view of Frankfurt skyline

The location is between Frankfurt and Wiesbaden in the Taunus Mountains, near the village of Hofheim-Marxheim. It is about 750 meters to the village border, but you feel very quiet and alone, because this area is completely fenced and surrounded by trees, so there is no disturbance. The weekends are booked up quickly though, so don't wait too long if you're interested!¹

Apple orchard with view of Frankfurt skylineHofheim

You don't have to go far from the city to arrive in complete peace and relaxation. Like at Andreas' apple orchard. In the distance, you can see the skyline of Frankfurt, but you can hardly be further ...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 23 €

Suitable for Motorhomes

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

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