Single parking space in Grettstadt

Nestled in the Bavarian region of Franconia, this quiet town is only an hour and a half from Nuremberg. Nearby you'll find beautiful hiking trails, museums, swimming pools, wildlife parks, and much more! Explore Schweinfurt today for your next vacation destination or just to spend some time with friends on their days off! Nestled in rolling hills between Bamberg and Würzburg lies the small city of Schweinfurt. It's surrounded by forests and offers picturesque views that are great for those who love to explore nature on their travels - but there always seems to be something new waiting around every bend in these winding roads; so don't be afraid to veer off course every now and then¹

Single parking space in GrettstadtGrettstadt

Pitch in shady forest area
Shopping possibility in the mill shop
Maintal bicycle path in 500 m distance
close to wine region Volkach
situated between Bamberg and Würzburg
Game park, museums, swimming ...

Read more on AlpacaCamping


Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.
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