Quiet nights in the garden of friends

The garden was a paradise when I was young. There were bushes and trees that offered safety, berries to eat, animals around me to watch - it seemed like the perfect place. In the mornings I felt energized for what the day would bring; birds chirping in my ears as the sun gently woke my face from sleep, on that lovely little bed nestled in nature's embrace. Nature gives us strength because we can build houses with its help - think about how many branches you could use! We are lucky that here at Eden Village (where else?) so many beautiful things happen every day: Rabbits hopping through our gardens, or people picking fruit right outside their windows, just waiting for someone adventurous to come and pick it too!¹

Quiet nights in the garden of friendsGöttingen

Do you remember when you were a child and learned to walk in the garden. And you looked at every flower from all sides and followed the squirrel into the treetops and the garden was your pa...

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Pop-Up Camps, from 35 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Pop-Up Camps applies.

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