Private place in Obernkirchen

Our campsite is located in the middle of the most beautiful nature trails for hiking and biking. It's a great place to relax after an adventurous day exploring nearby attractions like castles or mountains! You can swim in our outdoor pool, which is also suitable for children - it's just 50 meters from your accommodation. There are also many other activities on offer: you might want to try out some e-scooters that we rent out, go bowling or even take part in one of the biggest paintball battles in Europe - there really is something for everyone here!¹

Private place in ObernkirchenObernkirchen

The Old Bückeburg is an 8000sqm area. At the foot of the Buckeberg you have access to beautiful hiking and biking trails in nature. The Sonnebrink outdoor swimming pool is 50m away. Your host Jan is a...

Read more on HomeCamper

HomeCamper, from 16 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on HomeCamper applies.

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