Private place in Breitenworbis

After a long day of traveling you will find rest in the beautiful tent. Close your eyes and imagine being surrounded by nature: birds singing to each other while grazing on fresh blades of grass; listening for hours to stories told around the campfire as if it were only yesterday when those memories were made during childhood summers at home; sleeping peacefully without worry or stress from being away from family, with his presence comforting yet invigorating enough to leave you refreshed after just one night's stay!¹

Private place in BreitenworbisBreitenworbis

Important at check-in:
Upon arrival, you will find a chest (about 130 years old) inside the tent with fresh bedding, sheets and towels - with which you can easily cover your bed yourself. The tent has...

Read more on HomeCamper

HomeCamper, from 15 €

Suitable for 

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on HomeCamper applies.

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