Private place in Binau

The perfect place to pitch your tent is this tiny piece of land with a fantastic view. A unique, mile-wide perspective over the Neckar Valley, and right next door are two towns you can see from up here - Obrigheim and Neckarelz! You're surrounded by trees, so there's plenty of shade on hot summer days; but there's also a lot more than just nature waiting for you down below if you're also interested in swimming pools/beaches (just keep reading).¹

Private place in BinauBinau

Plot of land on the Binauer Höhe with a unique mile-wide view over the Neckar valley with a view of the towns of Obrigheim and Neckarelz.

The conditions

The property is completely fenced and surroun...

Read more on HomeCamper

HomeCamper, from 20 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on HomeCamper applies.
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