Plot Sonnenhof 3

In front of our farm there is a gravel parking lot. There are three parking spaces available and this borders the bike path, from which you can get directly to Friedberg or Bad Nauheim - two historic towns that have many sights to offer. From the town church in Friedberg, you have a great view of both towns, as well as the Adolfsturm, which has become one of Germany's most popular weekend hiking destinations for hikers of all classes who don't suffer from vertigo! In the fall, it's also possible to visit what used to be known as "the largest castle" in Germany: Friedeburg Castle (with its 39000 square meters of space)¹

Plot Sonnenhof 3Friedberg

In front of our farm, there is a gravel parking lot, there are three parking spaces. This borders directly on the bike path. From there you can directly reach Friedberg or the beautiful spa town of Ba...

Read more on AlpacaCamping


Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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