Pitch/Tent site

Pitch/Tent, a beautiful meadow directly on the popular Jakobsweg! Pitch is located about 2 kilometers outside of Göllheim near a Aussiedlerhof - which offers various shopping opportunities and small fireplaces (in case you get cold). In the summer, you can also go jogging on the grounds or walk through traditional German gardens; there is everything you need to relax there¹

Pitch/Tent siteö

Pitch/Tent site


I offer for all nature lovers an area directly on the popular St. James pilgrimage route for camping or as a pitch for campers.

The meadow is located about 2 kilometers outsi...

Read more on ZeltzuHause

ZeltzuHause, from 10 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on ZeltzuHause applies.

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Other pitches in the vicinity
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