Pitch on the Weser cycle path simply enjoy

The pitch on the Weser cycle path is a perfect place to enjoy yourself. Not only do you sleep next to a grape arbor, but you're within sight of the greenhouse and garden, which offer plenty for your time there - including fresh fruit slices or tea leaves, plus drinking water at every stop!¹

Pitch on the Weser cycle path simply enjoyStolzenau

Pitch on the Weser cycle path simply enjoy

Beautiful pitch, directly on the Weser cycle path. You sleep next to a vine arbor and a greenhouse. Furthermore, there is a beautiful garden, which invites ...

Read more on ZeltzuHause

ZeltzuHause, from 10 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on ZeltzuHause applies.

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