Pitch on the nature experience farm #1

Located on the edge of a lush forest, our idyllic farm is the perfect place for rest and relaxation. The petting zoo with ponies, sheep, pygmy goats and rabbits will keep the kids entertained, while the adults can enjoy the large permaculture garden or experience the beauty of nature on one of the many hiking trails nearby. Seasonal fruits can also be picked!¹

Pitch on the nature experience farm #1Wolsfeld

The pitch is located on our farm in idyllic surroundings on the edge of the forest with orchards. The petting zoo with ponies, sheep, dwarf goats, chickens and rabbits, as well as the large permacultu...

Read more on AlpacaCamping

AlpacaCamping, from 15 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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