Park-like idyll on the edge of the Wahner Heath between Cologne and Bonn

Between Cologne and Bonn, conveniently located at the Wahner Heide, is our park-like garden with some free-roaming pets. A pitch in the green for tents and small campers can be requested here. 4 Soay sheep, 2 running ducks, some chickens and 3 guinea pigs are your immediate neighbors from where you can explore the Königsforst, the Siebengebirge and the Bergisches Land - all less than 15 minutes from the bustling cities of Cologne or Bonn, each with their own colorful cultural sites, including historical landmarks like a beautiful cathedral¹

Park-like idyll on the edge of the Wahner Heath between Cologne and BonnKöln

Between Cologne and Bonn, conveniently located at the Wahner Heide is our park-like garden with some free-roaming pets. A pitch in the green for tents and small campers can be requested here. 4 soay s...

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Suitable for Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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