Orchard meadow at the foot of the vineyard - bottle of wine as a welcome gift #3

Hello and welcome to my orchard! As a welcome gift you will receive our wine from the vineyard next door. You can enjoy it here on the meadow next door as well as at home with your friends when they come for dinner. The area invites hiking enthusiasts to stroll through villages rich in pubs, small stores, nature trails and swimming pools - not to forget the Steigerwald Center, where the story is told about the tradition of viticulture (culture) of this region, passed down since Roman times.... And not to forget: If you need refreshment on your hike, we provide trolleys stocked with wine so guests can sample new wines while visiting nearby wineries like ours!¹

Orchard meadow at the foot of the vineyard - bottle of wine as a welcome gift #3Oberschwarzach

Hi and welcome to my orchard!

As a welcome gift you get a bottle of wine from our winery, which you can enjoy on our pitch or in the vineyard.
You stand here quietly in the Steigerwald - at our meado...

Read more on AlpacaCamping

AlpacaCamping, from 17 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.
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