Meadow behind our house

The pitch is located on our meadow behind the house. Grass is mowed and unpaved, electricity connection incl., drinking water not given on site, but can be organized. Gas station: 300m away from us; baker: 650m away from us - butcher: www.partyservice-hardekopf com/fleischerei 350 meters away; gastronomy : Alter Krug 400 meters away (Edeka, Netto) 1,7 km away ; doctor or pharmacy are only 1km away¹


The pitch is located in our meadow behind the residential house.
The grass area is mowed and unpaved.
Power supply incl.
Drinking water supply is not available on site.
But can be organized.


Read more on VanSite

VanSite, from 14,95 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on VanSite applies.

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