Linger and enjoy nature where the horses welcome visitors #3

The small village Bördel is located in the beautiful Leinebergland at about 380 meters above sea level. The people who live there work on their farms and take care of some horses that have been theirs for generations, but not only theirs! You can also stay with your camper or car if you want; it is very close (7 km) to a highway service area where all kinds of There are 7 different hiking trails in the area, and if it gets boring outside, you can stay inside - guaranteed fresh air without worrying, because the buildings are built to ensure ventilation¹

Linger and enjoy nature where the horses welcome visitors #3Dransfeld

Our farm is located on the outskirts of the small village Bördel (about 150inhabitants and 50 horses) in the beautiful Leinebergland at about 380m sea level. We manage our farm with agriculture and bo...

Read more on AlpacaCamping


Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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