Get a taste of the countryside in the northern Palatinate region

"The conditions" On a dirt road, very quiet, surrounding area Rheinhessen 6km and Naheland 15km. Waste disposal possible on pitches within 10km. Level lawn with large pasture, partly protected by hedge¹

Get a taste of the countryside in the northern Palatinate regionKriegsfeld

Pitch in our fenced garden, lawn, quiet on the outskirts of the village, bakery with a wide range of food, magazines, fruit and vegetables and butcher in the village, 15km different supermarkets, elec...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 18 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

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Other pitches in the vicinity
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