In a pasture #2

You'll be greeted by our farm animals and wake up to the sound of sheep, cattle or even chickens. A playground is just a few feet away for your little ones while you camp with them! There's also a pool on site that will make it easy for you to refresh after a day of work on those hot summer days. And don't forget to fish in our pond right next door - after you've been catching fish (and maybe a few frogs) all day, stop by the farm store where we sell fresh produce grown from scratch here; perfect for dinner at home! Hello dear nature and adventure lovers: come visit us soon so we can get to know each other around the campfire and see what kind of adventure¹

In a pasture #2Möckern

Hello dear camping friends, our 3 pitches are located about 20 meters from our farm and have direct access to the playground, the homestead ,the animals and the farm store, which is open daily for gue...

Read more on AlpacaCamping

AlpacaCamping, from 30 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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