Idyllic pitch in Wintersheim #2

Our winery is located in the idyllic Wintersheim, an organic growing area. We are located right between Mainz and Worms with good connections to both major cities. Our wine offers variety for every taste: we have fresh table grapes as well as traditional German wines like Riesling, Gewurztraminer or Spätburgunder! The sunsets at our campsite are spectacular, as it is situated on a meadow overlooking the vineyards; visitors can enjoy their glass of wine while looking out over miles of natural beauty - so camping feels more like glamping than ever!¹

Idyllic pitch in Wintersheim #2Wintersheim

Our winery is located in the idyllic Wintersheim in the middle of nature, almost exactly in the middle between Mainz and Worms. The new generation of winemakers continuously converted the farm from a ...

Read more on AlpacaCamping

AlpacaCamping, from 10 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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