At the farm in the orchard #1

Hof Schroen is a traditional, family-run farm in the heart of Germany. Surrounded by apple orchards, our cows graze lazily in green pastures during the summer months and are safe from predators due to the proximity of the barns where they retreat at night. The village center of Hille is within 20 minutes by public transportation and has everything you need for daily living, including restaurants, bakeries (staffed by delicious fruit bread), supermarkets - even art galleries! If biking isn't your thing, we also have an expansive sandy beach that is perfect for swimming in the summer months when temperatures soar above 30 degrees. There's no better way to explore this area than on an 18 km loop trail that takes you around these beautiful natural features¹

At the farm in the orchard #1Hille

The pitch is located directly in the orchard of our farm in Neuenbaum, a district of the municipality of Hille. Through the apple trees you can watch our cows in the barn and in summer also on the pas...

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Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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