Himmelleite #2: meadow orchard as an oasis of well-being with beautiful views and small alpaca farm

We have 1 - 3 pitches to offer, which are a bit away from our house. #1: There is a small gazebo and a well-maintained garden with fire pit, which we do not use ourselves, but which may be visited by friends of ours or yours on weekends; just please do not harvest my wife's delicious vegetable garden fruits! Of course your car can also park on the meadow next to our orchard for up to two more parking spaces, where there is a very convenient transport connection near the A 73 exit Ebersdorf/Grub am Forst¹

Himmelleite #2: meadow orchard as an oasis of well-being with beautiful views and small alpaca farmGrub am Forst

We have 1 - 3 pitches to offer, which are located slightly away from our house.

#1: There is a small gazebo and a well-kept garden with fireplace, which, if we are not using it ourselves, may be visi...

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Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

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¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.