Himmelleite - #1: Oasis of well-being with cottage garden and small alpaca farm

There are 1-3 pitches to offer, which can be a little further from our house. You will find a small gazebo and a well-kept garden with fireplace; if you do not want us to use it ourselves, please do not harvest the delicious vegetables and fruit of my wife. The property has a convenient transport connection near the highway exit A 73 exit Ebersdorf/Grub am Forst!¹

Himmelleite - #1: Oasis of well-being with cottage garden and small alpaca farmGrub am Forst

We have 1 - 3 pitches to offer, which are located slightly away from our house.

#1: There is a small gazebo and a well-kept garden with fireplace, which, if we do not use it ourselves, may be visited...

Read more on AlpacaCamping


Suitable for Motorhomes, Tents and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.
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