Glauburg (Private)

"I can stand 1-2 days with me on the paved yard. It's a great place to enjoy nature and take a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of life, but not if you want to look around like a tourist! There's not a lot of privacy here, as it's right on the main road that everyone drives by often enough - especially kids, who love to run wild through the fields like they're their own private playgrounds (which kind of makes sense, considering how small most farms actually are). So yeah, I'd say this place is only perfect if.¹

Glauburg (Private)Glauburg

With me you can gladly stand on the paved yard for 1-2 days. The courtyard is on the main road, but not easily visible through a high gate. On the yard there is a toilet without shower. You can get fr...

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Stellplatz von Privat

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¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Stellplatz von Privat applies.
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