Farm camping in Allgäu

Our farm is located in the middle of the Allgäu, Germany's largest lake district. Here you can choose to relax among fruit trees and enjoy the unobstructed mountain views or take advantage of the many leisure and recreational opportunities nearby. Since our dairy farm is run on a full-time basis, it offers visitors a first-hand experience they will never forget!¹

Farm camping in AllgäuDietmannsried

Our farm is located in the middle of the Allgäu and offers everything a nature-loving camper could wish for. On our farm you can decide for yourself whether you want to relax among fruit trees and enj...

Read more on Hinterland

Hinterland, from 29 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on Hinterland applies.

Or discover these great pitches nearby:

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