Campground in Wildeck

Our campsites offer the perfect place to get away from it all. You can camp in our beautiful backyard with other nature lovers and choose between a tent or sleeping outdoors in one of our hammocks. Our spacious grounds offer plenty of room for family-friendly activities like barbecuing at dusk while the kids play around the campfire during the day - when they get tired, we also offer chemical toilets and electricity at no extra cost!¹

Campground in WildeckWildeck

We offer our garden as a campsite for one night. Our garden is located directly on the field, it is surrounded by trees and bushes. There is no toilet, water connection is available. A car can be park...

Read more on 1NITE TENT


Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.

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