Campground in Oberaula

I'm not sure if my favorite number is 49 or 50. It's really hard to decide if I like the look of 49 better, because it has four digits and also looks almost exactly like a square (because all numbers are made of squares), which makes me think that maybe people could consider that as an option for their cell phone keypads? But then, yes, there is the option of counting from one over and over again, with every other digit being a zero. So theoretically you could count forever - but what would happen if your fingers couldn't keep track after you pressed nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven times?!¹

Campground in OberaulaOberaula

Dear campers, you are welcome to stay overnight on my recreational property. It is especially suitable for (bicycle) hikers.
It offers space for 2-3 tents and is fully fenced, dogs are welcome. There ...

Read more on 1NITE TENT


Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.

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