Campground in Lemgo

The Enchanted Forest is the perfect place for hikers to rest between their tours. The beautiful meadow was created by a small stream that runs through it, making this space both tranquil and picturesque with its diverse plant life. Visitors are welcome to sit on one of our covered patios or explore more of our forest before heading back out! We also have restrooms for shared use if you need them! There is plenty of room on the grounds, so please let us know in advance how many people will be visiting, as we want everyone to feel comfortable ;)¹

Campground in LemgoLemgo

Only for hikers, cyclists or interrailers.
Meadow and covered terrace in our garden.
Toilet sharing in the house.
Up to two people can sleep in the house if necessary.
Pilgrim's path (fish) passes the...

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Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.

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