Campground in Hasselroth

Hello bike travelers, we are a family who loves to travel around the world by bike. We offer you 1-2 tent sites in our garden and can also provide an existing pavilion with all bedding materials if needed! Our washing facilities are available, but please check in beforehand as there is also the possibility of one or two dogs meeting outside - they are very friendly though, so don't worry about that :) It takes about 2 hours from Napa towards R3 where I live (my house).¹

Campground in HasselrothHasselroth

Hello bike travelers,
We provide you with 1 to 2 tent sites in our garden.
It is also possible to use an existing pavilion, if necessary, there is also the possibility to spend the night in a dry room...

Read more on 1NITE TENT


Suitable for Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.
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