Bullikitchen Pitch Hannover / Immensen

This 150 sqm property is perfect for those who want to enjoy the outdoors, with its lovely garden and private field. Fire pit located near by! The meadow in the front garden of Bullikitchen Headquarters has been carefully planned out so you can spend time cooking up your next great idea or just relaxing on this peaceful lot at day's end.¹

Bullikitchen Pitch Hannover / ImmensenLehrte

150 sqm meadow in the front yard of Bullikitchen headquarters, electricity and water connection available. Quiet yard at the end of the road. Field edge location with fire pit....

Read more on MyCabin

MyCabin, from 14,30 €

Suitable for Motorhomes, Caravan and Tents

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on MyCabin applies.

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