At the winery with evening red #2

There are few things more beautiful than a sunset. The brilliant colors, the way they bring light and warmth to your body.... It's truly breathtaking! But what if you could see the stars too? Our winery is surrounded by miles of darkness, so it's an incredible experience to see those thousand points in space - glittering like diamonds in the black velvet sky. You can sit back under our tent with a chilled glass of wine or enjoy the warm sun for as long as you like without being interrupted The perfect place to spend time outdoors. We have 14 pitches with electricity to keep the cold at bay while giving you shade from the intense sunlight, if desired! With grassy ground and gravel pitches, there really is no wrong place in this abundance¹

At the winery with evening red #2Bergtheim

Sunsets deluxe and the stars within reach! The distance to the village and the non-existent street lighting bring us very little light smog. Many people are no longer used to this in everyday life. So...

Read more on AlpacaCamping

AlpacaCamping, from 20 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.
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