At the farm #2

Fallow Deer Farm is located in the eastern part of Germany, a region where tourism is booming. They have pitches near and on their property for people who want to enjoy the country life, while still being close enough to travel through much of what this area offers its visitors. The site right on the farm gives you access not only to water, but also to electricity, which can be helpful when the power goes out or you need a fast and reliable internet connection - or maybe just some good old-fashioned air conditioning during one of those hot summer days spent outdoors with friends! You're surrounded by natural beauty, so you can take a break from the stresses of home; take advantage of nearby attractions like Lake Bitterfeld,¹

At the farm #2OT Thurland, Kleileipzigerstr,07

The pitches are located around our fallow deer farm in Kleinleipzig.
You can get a pitch at the farm or at the site.
The pitch directly at the farm offers water and electricity.
We are located at the ...

Read more on AlpacaCamping

AlpacaCamping, from 10 €

Suitable for Motorhomes and Caravan

¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on AlpacaCamping applies.

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