The Vogelsberg

Highlights and camper pitches

The Vogelsberg - Highlights

The Vogelsberg is an area in Germany that is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe. It is also one of the largest contiguous volcanic areas in mainland Europe, with over 400 volcanoes and craters. You can hike through forests, ski or snowboard at a ski resort, or even take a boat tour on one of the many rivers. There are so many things to do here!

There is a lot to discover. We have selected the best sights and cycling and hiking destinations for you:

Baptismal font and Bismarck tower

The Baptism Fountain and Bismarck Tower is an amazing sight in Vogelsberg. It is the perfect place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, enjoy some time with family and friends or just relax. You can also find it at the top of our website!

Ohm crossing

Ohm Crossing is the perfect place if you are looking for an adventure. It's not too far from Frankfurt and suitable for all ages! You can explore the river on foot or by bike, or take in the sights of nature on a leisurely stroll. If you want more excitement, there are also some great rapids that will give you just what you need!


Bilstein is a place of interest in the Vogelsberg. It is a very beautiful place, around which several legends entwine. You can find it on the territory of two municipalities, Schotten and Lauterbach.

Lake Inheiden

Lake Inheiden is the perfect destination for those who want to enjoy nature and enjoy some of the best views in Germany. It is a popular spot for locals and tourists and offers a variety of activities. Here you can hike, bike or sail - but also just relax by the water.

Redwood planting 1900

Our plantation is located in Vogelsberg, Germany. It is a beautiful sight to see! We have many different species of trees on our property, including Sequoia trees, which you can find on our website.

Old town of Lauterbach with the thug

The old town of Lauterbach is a historic town in the Vogelsberg district. It was awarded the title "The most beautiful small town in Hesse" and is one of the best preserved medieval towns in Germany. You can find many old buildings, including churches, houses and towers from different eras. There are also many museums and galleries that will tell you about the life in this region throughout time.

The Vogelsberg - Camper pitches near

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