Campground in Schönberg

The place for weary travelers! You may look at this small town and wonder what you can find here. But don't worry, at "O" you can get everything from bed to shower in one place. And if that's not enough, there are also restrooms, so you don't have to go far when nature calls! We also offer free WiFi (one of the few things left!) and laundry facilities in case your clothes need freshening up before heading home - all just steps from our front door. We welcome hikers and cyclists, but also kids and even pets who want to stay with us for a while... after all, we still have plenty of room ;)¹

Campground in SchönbergSchönberg

Offer bed, shower and toilet in small town for hikers and cyclists - gladly also with child and dog.


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Suitable for Tents

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¹ This text was generated by machine and may contain errors. The description on 1NITE TENT applies.

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